
Is it doubt, lack of wisdom
or some feeling unexpressed
that has me locked within this range
I have become, since I've digressed?

Or, have I drifted lazily
into this rut of disbelief
a subtle cycle, never threatened
yet, descending like a leaf?

When all along I have the power
a gift once given me
for refusing to fall for
the limitations that we see.

At anytime with, but, a gesture
I can radically ascend
I push concern one more degree
than all the fears that I defend

If I could only muster up
the precious will to give, at all
in the direction I would least
life would be at my beckon call.

So, let me shake off this convenience
salvage remnants of control
attain that lofty state
and from there, orchestrate my goal.

For I have learned while my heart idle
although I had been, once wise
one should not prolong stagnation
thinking one can always rise.

Hence, the soul that would dare wander
and abuse it's highest state
is a soul amongst turmoil
that might choose to give, too late.

� Copyright 1978 RLaird Back